Feddy Azofeifa
MiJo Productions
Hi, my name is Feddy and I want to start off by saying, “thank you” for taking the time to find out about the MiJo video company team.
Ever since my childhood, I’ve enjoyed dabbling with a video camera and creating my own “movies.” Over time, I realized the strength of my passion for video and photography. Originally, I envisioned myself in front of the camera, but I realized that I preferred being behind the lens.
My education also helped me come to this conclusion. For instance, while pursuing my undergraduate studies in Psychology and Sociology, I learned about telling peoples’ stories. My Master’s Degree in Marketing taught me how to create products that resonate with audiences. I combined those two lessons and created MiJo.
I’m a creative, calm, level-headed individual who enjoys meeting new, unique people. I like to find friendships with all who surround me and tell their stories. I challenge myself daily by teaching myself new skills, and I’m always eager to learn from others.
One of my greatest skill sets is working with clients. This allows me to form relationships, learn about my subject, and relay to audiences the small details that will make a great story. What makes you special and unique is what I will showcase. Therefore, if you’re comfortable and relaxed with me, you’ll ultimately be happy with the final product.
Our team understands that video is one of the most powerful and efficient mediums to share your story. Like a magic wand, it can change the way someone sees your personal narrative. Whether it’s showcasing your company’s brand, getting the word out about a charitable cause, introducing your new product to the world, or showing off your child in all of their glory– we can do that for you.